Monday, August 27, 2007

oooh 20 days

Since I last posted - very slack of me. I've been flat out basically. At work that is.

Had my knee op which went well - different result than expected, he excised a medial plica and debrided some blistering on the back of my patella. I played volleyball last week and am back to bellydancing today. I can run again in 9 days. I had put on a fair bit before the op - I believe I was 72.7 or so. So the fact that I completely eliminated exercise for a while didn't help and I finished up hovering between 72.5-73. As of this morning I am 72.2. So while I won't be paying tomorrow, I will be well over Goal. I will go to meetings every week this month til I am back under Goal and under 70. That's where I want to be.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wish me luck!

Well I'm off tomorrow to have my arthroscope. Hopefully this means my knee will be all fixed and I can run again in 4 weeks time. I vow to wait for it to heal before I go doing anything silly!

Didn't weigh in this week, it can wait til after the op and after the scales are more friendly. I have just finished 5 nights in a row of eating out and I'm a bit sick of it frankly! So hopefully this week at home will be more friendly even if I can't exercise much at all. Again - wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's Wednesday and all's well

Well I had my job interview yesterday which went as well as it could have I think. It's not my area of expertise, but I think I carried myself ok. I doubt I'll get an offer though!

The festival of Graeme was held on the weekend. It was a good weekend full of too much good food. Oh well. My battle is to get a bit of it off before I weigh in next week. It'll happen, I'm not too fussed.

For once in my life I'm a tad lost for words. I must be tired. In fact I know I'm tired! We're going to a friend's place for dinner tonight, out tomorrow night, out Friday night, out Saturday night... when will it end! How am I meant to get any weight off!!! Oh well, it'll happen.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Yet another Friday

Good afternoon. Well, it's been an eventful week sort of. I haven't been well - I'm just so run down I think so wound up off on Wednesday. Weighed in on Tuesday and was 0.1kg down for the month leaving me at 71.3. At least it moved in the right direction, even if it was negligible.

I got a call this morning offering me a job interview. This is finally a good thing because I was starting to think I looked really bad on paper. So Tuesday's the first job interview of what I hope is a few. But that meant I had to tell my boss I got an interview. Which means it's really real for him (and me) now that I'll most likely be moving on. I need more than the 12 months they're offering me. I mean I need to be able to be flexible - maternity leave and the like. So bring on an ongoing job. I said to my boss I needed at least 2 years, so if he's going to come up with something, now's the time. Fingers crossed, cos I'd really like to stay. I like it here, I love the people, but I need more security. The time has come the walrus said....

In the meantime, my project is finishing up, final reports are done and I'm heading off to other things here on Monday.

It's my father-in-law's 60th birthday celebrations on the weekend. So a large weekend is planned. It should be fun, but it'll be a weekend of no sleep which is NOT what I need. Unfortunately. Another thing I must do considering I have an interview on Tuesday is buy a suit! It's a suit workplace and I don't own one, so shopping tonight. Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight after going out for tea... I think I'll come back to work Monday for a rest.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Learn How to Knit - CHECK!

Well, technically I already knew how to knit, but "Learn how to cast on and cast off" was a bit more lengthy as a title... Went to my aunt's place last night for dinner and a knitting bee. I can now officially begin and end my own knitting - there ya go Mum, I'm still learning! Bring on the distraction from food and the knitting of baby stuff for friends and family.

Aside from that I've had a fairly good week. Struggling with the cold and exercise and comfort eating stuff though. I've kept my main meals good though and most snacking has been Core foods. I've decided to try a thing that's on my health insurance website. They have this free service for members which means that you can log in to their site and get health plans (exercise, fun run plans, eating plans etc). So I've created an eating plan which should help me lose some more weight. It'll be interesting to try to stick to it for a week, but I've changed the menu around to make it workable. I'll give it a shot starting Monday. Considering next weekend is the "Festival of Graeme" aka my father-in-law's 60th, a good Monday to Friday will certainly help.

I'm weighing in tomorrow morning in the community before we go away for the weekend. I hope they have nice scales in Oakleigh! Fingers crossed. The weight has not been budging this week.

I was thinking yesterday that perhaps staying the same all winter's not a bad thing. I mean in Summer I'll be more active and less comfort eatey and it'll be easier to shift a few more kilos. So even if I can't budge for the next couple of months I am not beating myself up. At least I'm not gaining! I'll give it a go though. Especially seeing as my mobility will be hampered for the first part of August after I have my knee 'scoped.

I am still in limbo with work. I am here technically at the moment til the 3rd of September. Fingers crossed for the future, but if they can only give me another 12 months I need more than that. So I'm still applying for jobs. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Forgot to mention...

At Dee and Fraser's engagement party there were several people including Dee's brother who didn't recognise me! I spent a few days camping with many of her family and friends 18 months ago and everyone I met there didn't recognise me! Admittedly the hair has changed too - from longer and much blonder to shorter and dark (natural). But certainly the weight loss has helped! They were all gobsmacked. I thought it was really funny, and complimentary, but many of them felt bad for not recognising me!

Pretty good feeling huh :-)

Also, went to the orthopaedic surgeon yesterday arvo and am booked in for an arthroscope. I have a lateral meniscal tear (cartilage cushion in the joint on the outside of the knee) so it turns out the physio was wrong! Oh well. He says that post-op I should be able to start running again in 4 weeks. So the op's on the 8th of August, September I should be right to go. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Engagement Party Photos!

Well, my beautiful friend Dana has sent me some of her pics from the engagement party. So here they are! One of me and her, one of the beautiful Tash and Dee and one of the happy couple announcing the news of their pregnancy! I would put the pic of Dee's belly in, but she says it's not big enough yet... Give it time chick!

We went to Dee and Fraser's engagement party on Saturday night. It was a great night. There was a lot of fun had by all. She looked absolutely gorgeous! Dee was my maid of honour last year, and the gorgeous Tash one of my bridesmaids. So much for picking bridesmaids who make you look good!

Oh, I loved my hair. You can't really see it in the pic, but I'd had bits of it curled with tongs at the hairdresser. It was really classy and girly at the same time.